3928 – Golden Dawn Cross and Triangle

Physical description:
A white triangle and red cross made of painted wood.
Museum classification:
Ritual Magic
5.25 x 5.25 x .50 in

The true symbol of the Golden Dawn is the red cross above the white triangle. These emblems represent the forces and manifestation of the divine light, concentrated in the white triangle of the Supernals as the synthesis. The red cross of Tiphareth is placed above the white triangle, not to dominate it, but to cause it to descend and manifest into the Outer Order. The cross and triangle represent life and light. (source)

The Supernal triad in the Qabalistic system is made up of the fist three Sepiroth on the Tree of Life (explained below) - Kether, Chokmah, and Binah. Kether forms the apex of the Supernal Triad, Chokmah symbolises wisdom, and Binah symbolises understanding. The 'Essential Golden Dawn: An Introduction to High Magic' further explains the symbolism of this object:


The Tree of Life is a symbol that represents the cosmos in its entirety, and the human soul that relates to it. "Ten circles arranged in a specific pattern and connected by a series of ten lines most often represent this glyph. The ten circles represent the Ten Divine Emanations, called the sephiroth (plural of the word sephira), and the lines symbolise Paths that connect the individual sephira to one another. The word sephira, literally means counting and is distinguished from the Hebrew word mispar, which means numbers. Even though the sephiroth are said to represent the ten basic digits, they are not numbers. In a more modern manner, the Tree of Life can be defined as:

The ten spheres or Sephiroth connected by the 22 paths of the Hebrew alphabet, form the Tree of Life, the central glyph of the Qabalah. The Tree of Life describes the steps between mundane consciousness (represented by Malkuth - the last sphere, meaning 'Kingdom') and the divine (represented by Kether - the first sphere).
The basic form of the Tree of Life that is shown the most is as follows and depicts the ten spheres or circles (sephiroth) connected by the 22 paths of the Hebrew alphabet." (source


See the Alpha Omega collection tag for more related objects.

Resin, felt, paint.
Copyright ownership:
Golden Dawn Shop

The true symbol of the Golden Dawn is the red cross above the white triangle. These emblems represent the forces and manifestation of the divine light, concentrated in the white triangle of the Supernals as the synthesis. The red cross of Tiphareth is placed above the white triangle, not to dominate it, but to cause it to descend and manifest into the Outer Order. The cross and triangle represent life and light. (source)

The Supernal triad in the Qabalistic system is made up of the fist three Sepiroth on the Tree of Life (explained below) - Kether, Chokmah, and Binah. Kether forms the apex of the Supernal Triad, Chokmah symbolises wisdom, and Binah symbolises understanding. The 'Essential Golden Dawn: An Introduction to High Magic' further explains the symbolism of this object:


The Tree of Life is a symbol that represents the cosmos in its entirety, and the human soul that relates to it. "Ten circles arranged in a specific pattern and connected by a series of ten lines most often represent this glyph. The ten circles represent the Ten Divine Emanations, called the sephiroth (plural of the word sephira), and the lines symbolise Paths that connect the individual sephira to one another. The word sephira, literally means counting and is distinguished from the Hebrew word mispar, which means numbers. Even though the sephiroth are said to represent the ten basic digits, they are not numbers. In a more modern manner, the Tree of Life can be defined as:

The ten spheres or Sephiroth connected by the 22 paths of the Hebrew alphabet, form the Tree of Life, the central glyph of the Qabalah. The Tree of Life describes the steps between mundane consciousness (represented by Malkuth - the last sphere, meaning 'Kingdom') and the divine (represented by Kether - the first sphere).
The basic form of the Tree of Life that is shown the most is as follows and depicts the ten spheres or circles (sephiroth) connected by the 22 paths of the Hebrew alphabet." (source


See the Alpha Omega collection tag for more related objects.