R/2/300 – drawing of mano figa, Egyptian figure, Aztec animal faces, other things and notes

Collection Number:
Object name:
drawing of mano figa, Egyptian figure, Aztec animal faces, other things and notes
Object type:
Book titles referenced:
Magic and the supernatural / The shaman
People referenced:
Dr. H.B. Verhoogh

‘Ter verduidelijking van aant. [for clarification of notes] 1953, fol. 192a, “drawn on a plank”, “from the CHuckchee tribes”, “The net”, &c. (“The Shaman”, &c.) H.’
‘Ter vergelijking met [for comparison with] fig. 16, handschr. [manuscript] no. M-614: “This image of the human heart which the priests have torn from their victim can aslo been seen at Teotihuacan”, zie Aant. [see notes] ’53, fol. 194. idem: “Blood and Sacrifice”, zie [see] F3, Aant. [notes] 1953, fol. 237d. S.’
‘Ter vergelijking bij Aant. [for comparison with notes] 1953, fol. 346c, “Magic and the supernatural”, en het betoog van [and the argument of] Dr. H.B. Verhoogh. E.’