New novel about the influence of Crowley in Cornwall
Our thanks to Andy Bailey for generously donating several copies of the new book “Martin Dayton” to the Museum. With his permission, we plan to keep one in the library and to sell the others to raise funds for the Museum. Hannah Fox, Office Manager at the Museum, took a copy home to have a read. Here is her review.
Martin Dayton by Andy Bailey. Published by Bonja Books Ltd 2018
A murderous love story, set in beautiful St Ives Cornwall in the 1990’s, this novel follows the summertime escapades of a group of young folk.
With much partying, some Crowley influenced sexual jauntery, based around a cottage ‘the Great Beast’ was said to have hired for a summer backalong, and relationship issues still as current today, this exciting story makes for a most enjoyable read, a dash of reminiscence, and an appreciation of locals lives alongside a busy tourist hotspot.
Andy was inspired to send us the book after he heard about our current exhibition “Dew of Heaven: Objects of Ritual Magic” which includes several sections looking at Aleister Crowley and the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, Crowley and John Dee, a Crowleyian Temple, the OTO and the AA as well as displaying his wand and chalice. This exhibition is open every day in 2018. For more details see: https://museumofwitchcraftandmagic.co.uk/exhibitions/dew-of-heaven-objects-of-ritual-magic/
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