We love hearing from our audience, but please read this before emailing the museum with an enquiry!


If you are a Museum or a Curator enquring about a Loan, please visit this page

Artistic Submissions are closed. Please do not send or bring with you submissions of work to the Museum, as we cannot accept them. Submissions in general are closed as the Museum is fully committed to projects and exhibitions until 2027.


The Enquiring Eye

Interested in witchcraft, paganism, folklore and magic? Why not consider writing for The Enquiring Eye, the Museum’s own periodical? Published twice yearly, we welcome contributions on topics of witchcraft, magic, folklore, paganism and everything in between. Read about it here.


Art and Artists at the MWM

WhiteFeather Hunter will enjoy exclusive access to the collection for 2023 and 2024, and returns to the Museum in October 2023 to curate 2024’s exhibition. Read about her work here.

Submissions for the residency have closed. Please do not send nor bring with you submissions of work to the Museum, as we cannot accept them.


Research & Education

For 2023 the Library and Archives are open by appointment only on a Friday and Saturday. Please contact us for an appointment. Click here to visit our archives page. Due to COVID we have a backlog of pre booked requests which we are honouring on other days through the season.

The Museum has identifed its education partners and is not currently looking for others.


Volunteers, Interns, and Student Placements

Regrettably we cannot currently offer placements for Students, interns, or volunteers.


Workshops & Events

The Museum does not accept events or proposals for workshops. We do not produce events. The Museum can offer no space for events and workshops.


‘Partnering’ on Projects

Project ideas. Submissions for these are closed indefinitely.

Increasingly the Museum is contacted to ‘partner’ on projects, and to assist with National Portfolio funding rounds [ACE]. The Museum has already identified partners on projects and we work several years in advance.

We regret we are unable to partner with you.


Filming – professional and broadcast

Contact us for our 2024 rate card. We cannot accommodate requests during visitor hours, April-November 10:00-18:00. Please note that the National Trust own the land in the harbour and it is a pre requisite for all filming that you have the appropriate permissions in place and are licensed for this before contacting us should you want to include external shots of the Museum. There is no parking at the Museum for film crew, no green room, nor wardrobe facilities. We have extremely compact premises.


Filming for personal use

Museum visitors are welcome and very much encouraged to take stills! Find us on instagram. Video and flash photography are not permitted.



The Museum’s account is reserved to Museum material only.

Please do not write to us about creating content or stories for instagram.