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Book – Fear Nothing – Based on the True Story of the Cornish Witch Anne Jefferies


By Joyce Froome


The Fayes seemed sucked away into the far distance- and yet they were still there- but now so utterly strange she could barely make sense of them:

Anne Jefferies, we are here to unmake you’


Cornwall 1646 – A critical point  in the Civil War

Magic is seductive but also dangerous…


The Fayes transformation of Anne Jefferies into a Healer and Seer almost kills her. But magical power gives her purpose, and the respect of her community.

Until she challenges the authority of the local Parliamentarian leaders and attracts the attention of John Tregeagle, Steward of Lanhydrock, who is about to be appointed Cornwall’s first Parliamentarian Justice of the Peace.

A fictional account that brings Cornwall’s most remarkable witchcraft case vividly to life.

With a preface by Gemma Gary

Cover art by Simon Costin

Published by HarbourWitch 2023

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