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CD – Chanting and Chanting II


The Museum’s popular soundtrack, now as a two disc set.  The CDs are made to resemble the light and dark side of the moon.  

These chants have played in the Museum for over twenty years and were recorded for the Museum by Liz Crow and Heike Robertson (Chanting) and Liz Crow and Carole Talboys (Chanting II).

With simple but appealing melodies, these chants are ideal aids to meditation or magical workings – or just for when you want relaxing music.

This new set of two CDs has a booklet giving the words of each chant, and reminiscences by Liz, Heike and Carole.  The booklet also features artwork from the Museum’s top gallery where the chants now play daily.

Above: the front cover shows the Museum’s top gallery where a selection of the chants now plays daily.  This image (by Carol Keith) shows the hare lady statue, the Horned God and Sabbat painting on display in this gallery.

Above: the back of the double CD shows the track listings, a different view of the top gallery and the reverse of the hare lady statue.

Above: the eight page booklet contains images from the top gallery such as the Witch with trees and eyes painting above and details from the Sabbat painting.

If you are unfamiliar with the chants, you can listen to one here.  This track is “The Earth is our Mother” and it was sung by Carole Talboys and Liz Crow.




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