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The Enquiring Eye: Issue 7


The Enquiring Eye is a museum journal that aims to showcase a wide range of research into all aspects of magical practise, witchcraft and the occult.

Issue 7: Spring 2022


Editorial – Rupert White


Rocky Valley Labyrinths: an invitation to cross the threshold – Helen Cornish

Literary Witches of the Twenties: Sylvia Townsend Warner, Lolly Willowes and the Loving Huntsman – Dr Rebecca Beattie

A For Sale Notice: Thigh Bone Trumpet – Ben Fernee

An Gwyr Erybyn an Bys: Chairs, Rounds and Circles in Bardic Cornwall (continued) – Alan M. Kent

Bessie Brooks’ Divination Mat – Ash William Mills

How Cornish was the witchcraft of the Cornish Witchfinder, William Paynter? – Rupert White

Taking the Cunning Across the Pond – Elwynn of the Antlered Crown

The Coven of Atho, Doreen Valiente and Alex Sanders – Melissa Seims

The Hound of Abnoba – Ryan McClain

The evolution of Hatian Vodou – Dr Louise Fenton

Wartime Charms – Kirstie Ryder

Footsteps of Former Men: Holacombe – Revd. Robert Hawker (1870)


Steve Patterson on Gwithti an Pystri & The Museum of Folklore and Magic – Rupert White



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